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We see a servant-hearted, volunteer-driven church where people from diverse backgrounds experience God, belong to a small group, serve in teams, and duplicate their gifts for the glory of Jesus Christ.

  • When you come to Discover Church celebration service, you will experience the goodness of God, and our people and resources will enrich your life.

  • When you join a life group, you will be connected to friends who are making disciples and praying for one another even in the tough times of life.

  • When you volunteer in any ministry, you will belong to a team of Christians who are achieving something eternal and doing their best for Jesus.

  • When you outreach or go on missions, you will impact generations and nations, and grow as a person by moving from passive spectator to active promoter of the Good News.

Discover Church vision is a church no longer bound by four walls. We are redeeming technology to glorify Jesus and make activated Christians who lead people to Christ, obey God’s Word & serve with joy - "For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.” (Isaiah 11:9)

Discover Church mission is to glorify God by making disciples of Christ who study, spend time with God, surrender and serve in order that we as a team may impact generations and nations, and usher in a global revival before the Second Coming of Christ.


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The Scriptures

The Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God and we accept all Scriptures as inerrant, infallible, and the sole and final guide in matters of faith and conduct. (2 Tim. 3:15-172 Peter 1:19-21Heb. 4:12)

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One True God

God has revealed Himself as One God, manifested in three eternal, co-equal Persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Deut. 6:42 Samuel 23:2-3, Philip. 2:6, 1 John 5:7)

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Man & His Fall

Created in the image of God, man is also triune eternal being: spirit, soul and body (1 Thes. 5:23Heb. 4:12). Once good and upright, Adam believed Satan's deception about God, voluntarily transgressed and fell. Through sin, man's spirit is dead, his soul is corrupt, and his body is doomed to decay and death (Rom. 5:14). The Bible says, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” (Rom. 3:1023). Redemption for man is in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. (Rom. 5:12-21)

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Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary to undo the works of Satan (1 John 3:8). On the Cross He gave His life and shed His blood as a ransom to redeem man back to God. Jesus died, was buried, but on the Third Day He rose again, victorious over Death. (John 11:25Rom. 14:92 Cor. 5:15)

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Salvation or the New Birth

The salvation of sinners is the gift of God, separate from religious works and laws. Man receives salvation by God's grace through personal repentance and personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This new birth is necessary for all sinners to be reconciled to God and, when experienced, imparts a new nature and eternal life to the believer (2 Cor 7:10;John 3:3-51 John 5:12). The New Birth is not arriving, but beginning, our Christian journey with Christ.

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Water Baptism 

Baptism in water is a direct commandment of our Lord and is executed by full immersion after the New Birth. The ordinance is a public statement of the believer's association with Christ's death, burial, and resurrection
(Matt. 28:19Rom. 6:4Col. 2:12Acts 8:36-39).

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Baptism of the Holy Spirit

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is a gift of God promised by our Lord Jesus to all believers for the purpose of spiritual power in public testimony and service after the New Birth. This experience is accompanied by the initial evidence of speaking in other tongues as the Holy Spirit gives utterance (Matt. 3:11; Luke 24:49; Acts 2:4; 1 Cor. 14).

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Holy Communion or the Lord's Table

An act of covenant given by the Lord for believers only, representing the broken body and shed blood of Jesus Christ.
(1 Cor. 11:23-34)

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Marriage between man and woman is an institution ordained by God since the beginning (Gen. 2:22-24Mat. 19:5-6Mark 10:6-9) and is a covenant made between couples and God. (Mal. 2:14)

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Church as an Institution Ordained by God

The term “Church” is used in the Bible to refer to 3 related things:

  1. The universal Body of Christ in heaven and on earth (Eph 1:221 Cor 3:910:321 Pet 2:15Heb 12:23),

  2. the local body of believers governed by anointed leadership (Acts 14:231 Cor 1:211:18Col 4:15-16James 5:14, Rev 2-3), and

  3. the physical building where believers commonly worship (1 Tim 3:151 Cor 4:1711:182212:2814:192834-353 John 1:10Heb 3:2).

God instituted the Church just like He instituted the Family. Just as every healthy human being is part of the family of Adam, part of their own family, and lives in a physical house, so too every healthy Christian is part of the Body of Christ, part of a local body of believers and attends a physical church as the New Testament disciples did. God loves the church in all 3 senses of the word.

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Giving in the Bible comes in the form of Firstfruits, tithes and offerings as practices by godly people before, during and after the Law. The Bible teaches that we should honour the Lord with our wealth/possession (prov. 3:9-10), therefore we do not only give out of our obedience to God's Holy commandment (Lev. 27:30–34Deut. 12:5–6Mal. 3:10–12) but we also do it with a cheerful heart as an act of worship and an expression of gratitude to what the Lord has blessed us with (2 Corinthians 9:71 Chronicles 29:9)  

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Women in Ministry 

Women are an integral part of the Body of Christ which is neither male nor female, with gifts differing according to the grace that is given to them. (Acts 18:24-2621:89Gal. 3:28Rom. 12:4-6)

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Total Provision

Spiritual (John 3:3112 Cor. 5:17-21); Mental / Emotional (2 Tim. 1:7Rom. 12:2Isaiah 26:3); Physical (Isaiah 53:4-5Matt. 8:171 Peter 2:24); Financial (3 John 1:2Mal. 3:10-11); Social (Psalm 68:6142:7Prov. 3:4Luke 2:52Acts 2:42-479:19).


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Divine Healing

 The New Testament teaches that Christ is the Healer and that healing is for the Glory of God (Matt. 15:31Mark 2:12Luke 13:13Luke 17:15Acts 3:8-94:1421). The Body of Christ is commissioned to continue healing the sick for God's Glory by the power of His Word, the prayer of faith, the anointing of oil, and the laying on of hands. (Mark 16:18Matt. 8:171 Peter 2:24Prov. 4:20-22James 5:14-15)

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The process of becoming more like Christ and less worldly. (Titus 2:12Rom 12:11 John 2:15Col 3:5-91 Thes. 4:7Eph. 2:8-10) Sanctification is a progressive work of grace that commences at the moment of new birth but does not end until we stand before Jesus Christ. We are all being changed from glory to glory. (Heb. 12:141 Thes. 5:232 Peter 3:18Phil. 3:12-142 Cor. 3:181 Cor. 1:30)

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Resurrection of the Church

At the appearing of our Lord Jesus, "...the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air..." (1 Thes. 4:16-17Titus 2:131 Cor. 15:51-54)

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The Second Coming or the Return of Jesus

"...This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven." (Acts 1:11John 14:3Heb. 9:28Rev. 22:20)

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The Millennial Reign of Christ 

Jesus shall return to earth as King of kings, and Lord of lords, and together with His saints, who shall be His kings and priests, He shall reign 1000 years (Rev. 5:1019:11-1620:1-7).

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Eternal Punishment in Hell and the Lake of Fire

The one who physically dies in his sins without accepting Christ is hopelessly and eternally lost in the Lake of Fire and, therefore, has no further opportunity of hearing the Gospel or repenting. The Lake of Fire is literal. The terms "eternal" & "everlasting," used in describing the duration of the punishment of the damned in the Lake of Fire, carry the same thought and meaning of endless existence as used in describing the duration of joy and ecstasy of saints in the Presence of God (Heb. 9:27Rev. 19:20)

Core Values

1. God's Word - Daily Devotions

We are the ABC's: Authentic, Bible-believing Christians. For us, the Bible is the Word of God. We believe in putting God's Word first each day of our lives. Therefore we read the Bible daily to answer one questions: "How will I be different today because of what I just read?" We believe in reading the Bible every day, finishing it once every year, and writing down SOAP, or a personal application of how we will be different because of what we just read. Daily devotions help us become more like Jesus. 

(Matthew 6:11, Mark 3:14-15, Luke 10:42, 2 Timothy 2:15, Psalm 119:105)

2. Biblical Balance 

Being Biblically balanced makes us stable and strong in the midst of life’s challenges. We love ALL parts of the Bible, not just our favorite topics.


(Deut 6:6-9, Proverbs 5:18, Revelation 19:7)

3. Biblical Justice

We believe Jesus is not only Savior but also Judge. God is a just God and Jesus’ mission is to bring justice to victory. We believe in both righteousness and justice, love and discipline, grace and judgment, rewards and punishment.


(Gen 18:19, Psalm 89:14, 97:2, Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah 45:21, Matthew 12:20, John 20:23, Rev 5:10, Rev 15:3)

4. Divine Healing & Restoration 

Supernatural healing glorifies God and brings joy to God’s people. We expect God to heal our minds, emotions and bodies. Healing allows us to serve God more fully.


(Luke 4:18, 4:38-39, Acts 3:8, Matt 15:31, Mark 2:12, Psalm 14:7, Luke 15:32)

5. Doing Church as a Team (DCAT)

We believe that teamwork is God’s design for effective ministry. We want everyone to discover the joy of being a fully contributing member. Our purpose is not merely to do tasks by ourselves. We are called to belong to a team and raise up future leaders and successors.

(Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, Psalm 133:1, Ephesians 4:11-16, 1 Peter 2:4-9, Successor verses John 16:21, Luke 1:14, John 14:12, Matthew 10:24-25, 2 Corinthians 5:20, Deuteronomy 18:15, 2 Samuel 21:15-22, Acts 11:26)

6. Bias to Action 

We are the Navy Seals of the Body of Christ. In everything we do, we go hard or go home! We believe God wants to turn us from passive spectators into active promoters of the ministry. Intention cannot replace action. Therefore we believe in producing works that will bless future generations. We are not a church of consumers, but of producers. If we see potential in you, we will draw it out of you.

(Matthew 5:16, Mark 10:45, Ephesians 2:10, 4:11-12, Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12:14-20, James 2:20, 26, Production verses Deut 16:15, 2 Chron 7:10-11, Eccl 3:13, 3:22, 5:19)

7. Heart for the Lost 

Everything we do is connected to a soul. There is joy in Heaven when one sinner comes to Christ. Therefore sharing the Gospel with others is a normal part of a Christian lifestyle. We believe that the most effective evangelism happens through people inviting people. We are committed to growing a culture of evangelism and missions.


(Matt 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-18, Luke 19:10, John 3:16, Luke 15:7, Acts 16:34, Psalm 118:24).

8. Redeeming Technology for Christ 

Our goal is to please the Lord by redeeming technology and advancing the Gospel in new ways. The Lord said, “Behold, I will do a NEW THING. Now it shall spring forth, shall you not know it? I will even make a ROAD in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19. Today, the “new road in the wilderness” is the Internet, a super information highway on which lost people in the wilderness of social media can find their way back to God. We believe in doing CHURCH ONLINE.

9. ​Preparing for the Second Coming 

We believe that preparing for the end times is a wise and Scriptural response to the Biblical prophecies about the Second Coming, the Resurrection of the Dead, and Eternal Judgment. Living in the end times is not fearfully preparing for doomsday or hoping for the Rapture, but living for eternal rewards with a sense of urgency that our time is short.

(Heb 1:2 these last days, Acts 2:17 last days pour out Spirit, 1 Peter 1:20 revealed in last days, Eph 5:16 redeeming the time, Col 4:5 redeeming the time, Rom 13:11-14 day is far spent)

10. Focus on the Family 

We believe companionship originated in the Garden before sin. We believe a good marriage is a source of lifelong joy, the ideal environment for healthy children and the foundation of a strong church. A good marriage involves two willing people giving selflessly to each other. We believe children are a gift from God and raising godly children is a sacred calling with eternal rewards.

(Deut 6:6-9, Prov 5:18, Rev 19:7)

11. Honor

We honor God’s people and God’s things. Every commandment of God is a commandment of honor. Every sin is an act of dishonor. Every success in your life can be traced to someone you honored. Every failure in your life can be explained by someone you dishonored. When you teach your child to honor, you have taught them enough.

(Exodus 20, Ephesians 6:20, Matthew 15:4-6, 1 Timothy 5:17, 1 Samuel 2:30, Hebrews 13:16-17, 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13)

12. Appropriate Feedback ​

Feedback needs to be qualified. Appropriate feedback brings us closer to our vision and core values, is given by a contributing member, and delivered with humility. Feedback is not complaining, venting an offense, or telling someone they’re wrong.

(Galatians 1:18-19, 2:1-2, 1 Timothy 4:16 Watch your life and doctrine closely)

13. Unity​

In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity. We believe in the Apostle’s creed and Nicene creed, as historically adopted by the Early Church, and we do not unite with or marry into error. True unity is based on the Word of God and a common purpose. True unity requires forgiving offenses, repairing relationships, and pursuing a common cause, sometimes at the cost of giving up our own wishes. There is a counterfeit unity based on common complaint. We refuse to give audience to a spirit of complaint. We will be courageous to solve every problem in a way that honors God, values relationships, and protects the core values of the church. In non-essentials, LIBERTY. We give leeway to a diversity of opinions on issues that are non-essential and fellowship with believers who do not agree with us on non-essential issues. Every church has its own DNA, style and strengths, usually influenced by its senior leadership, therefore we honour other churches while preserving our DNA, style and strengths, and without compromising our calling and core values. In all things, CHARITY. Too many Christians become uncomfortable with fellowshipping with sinners. Jesus was called a friend of sinners. We believe in living in the world to build relationships and bring people to Christ, but we do not unite with or marry into unbelief. The Bible commands Christians to love sinner, but not be unequally yoked with unbelievers in marriage or any union that would cause us to disobey God.

(Acts 2:1, 2:46, 4:24, Philippians 2:2, 2 Cor 6:14)

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